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4 Interior Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Vehicle In Top Shape

keep car cleanAs an owner of a European supercar or luxury car, you know how important it is to keep it performing at its best. Keeping your entire vehicle clean is also a big part of that. No matter what time of year it is, these four interior maintenance tips will help you keep your European supercar or luxury vehicle looking and feeling its best. When your car is clean, driving is more enjoyable! 

1. Make Friends with Your Vacuum

It should go without saying, but one of the easiest ways to keep the interior of your vehicle clean is to vacuum frequently. Be sure to remove your floor mats first before starting on the interior. Be sure to get all of the dirt and debris out of your floor mats, under seats, the seats themselves, and so on. Pay close attention to any small corners or nooks. For hard to reach places, use the vacuum attachment to give your vehicle a thorough vacuuming. 

2. Keep Your Windows Clean

When you have smudged up or dirty windows, your visibility suffers. This is dangerous in average consumer vehicles, but potentially deadly when it comes to driving a supercar. The more spotless your windshield and other windows are, the better you can see out of them. 

Be sure to clean your windows approximately once every four or five times you drive. Be sure to select a glass cleaner that has some water repellent abilities. Water repellent glass clean is the best way to get rid of fingerprints and smudges. The water beads away which prevent streaking. Be sure to ask a detailing professional about what kind of cleaner to use. Take special care if your windows are tinted. Don’t use household glass or window cleaner on your supercar or luxury vehicle. 

3. Take Care of Your Leather

As a European supercar or luxury vehicle owner, you know what kind of investment it is. Keep this investment in the best shape possible by paying close attention to the leather. Not only does it help keep your car looking great on the inside, it helps to retain the value of your vehicle as long as possible. After vacuuming, take some leather conditioner and cleaner to the seats and any other appropriate areas. Rips, cracks or stains are usually impossible to remove from leather, so if you have those, you might need to take it to a professional. 

4. The Dirtiest Place Inside Your Vehicle?

Did you know? One area that accumulates some of the most dirt and debris on your entire vehicle is your dashboard. Just like you can see better with clear windows, dirt on your dashboard can be highly distracting. This distraction compounds itself when driving a high-speed supercar. Use a microfiber cloth on your dash to remove dirt and then use a protectant to avoid fades and cracks. Be sure to take care of your steering wheel in the same way. 

Follow these simple steps to keep your vehicle’s interior looking its best. When you invest in a supercar, you accept the responsibility of keeping it clean and well maintained. It only takes an hour or two a week to keep your interior looking and feeling its best!

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